urban renewal and rehabilitation of the central city zone in the historical town
SUBOTICA, serbia
international competition - SECOND prize
: aleksandra đorđević . katarina petrović . nevena balalić . marina ilić . Spasoje Radomilović. MILOŠ GRBIĆ. CONSULTANT - UROŠ RADOSAVLJEVIĆ
| y 2014
Area: 3.90 ha
This competition entry won second place in the competition for the development and reconstruction of the central city zone in the historical town Subotica in Serbia. Part of this location is defined as cultural and historical heritage. Therefore, the main goal of this project was to preserve the recognisable appearance and atmosphere of the central zone but also to make a big step further and to adjust this space to 21st-century needs.
"Housing +" is an idea that was developed by analyzing the city centre of the city of Subotica and the contemporary context of housing in the 21st century. "The concept of „housing +” includes housing development through synergy with other types of activities as well as new housing models in response to the question of future urban development of the cities.
In relation to the micro-blocks and their specificities, we have defined zones with special development strategies and design codes for each of them which will be presented below.
1. CO-LIVING ZONE - The revitalization of traditional urban life through the creation of neighbourhoods with mix use concepts where the primary function remains housing.
We have planned a joint yard in order to create space for all groups of people (children, youth and senior citizens).
2. PUBLIC LIFE ZONE- exchange of goods, information and ideas.
In this zone, we have planned the integration of functions of commercial facilities, education, culture and housing for young people (maximum period of 5 years) in order to ensure constant vitality of the block and constant changes in user groups, which would avoid the phenomenon of gentrification.
3. WORK AND LIVING ZONE – integration of the office facilities, private apartments and commercial facilities.
This zone is located along the busiest city road and as such, it is an essential point for the city centre's development and appearance.
4. RETAILERS ZONE - preserving environmental values of the Petra Drapšina street
The interpretation of the traditional commercial spirit in the contemporary context of entrepreneurship and creative industry.
5. ZONE OF HERITAGE - Promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of Subotica
Urban renewal as a method that allows the construction of new facilities in line with established rules. In order to emphasize the quality of existing facilities we have planned the process of contrasts as one of the main rules.
Experimental Houses represent a newly introduced typology of evenly distributed structures throughout the site. They represent the site-specific hub spaces, and their purpose is to generate the development of each zone through time. Experimental Houses are an experiment on the programmatic level, introducing completely new functions to the zones, but also an experiment on the level of materialization - they should be built with new materials and/or building techniques. They should be organized as spaces with the highest level of public participation, to ensure the democratic development of each zone.
▲ site plan of the complex
The MTI complex is divided in 11 spatial-programmatic zones. Each one of these is specific in terms of the functional wholeness and authenticity of their respective ambiances, which makes them suitable for the process of phased development. This type of approach allows for gradual planning, testing and evaluation in a phase-by-phase manner.
The sequence in which the zones would be developed is based on the following criteria: the ownership structure of the buildings and land, investment cost estimates, the general and special measures of protection relating to the buildings and spaces, as well as the socio-economic outcome achieved through the Prototype zone.
The key role in systematizing the adaptation phases plays the Prototype zone, which encapsulates the design principles, (re)evaluates them on a smaller scale area before implementing successful ideas in a wider spatial context. It consists of the Culture Factory, Arsenal Square, Museum of Old Gun Foundry and Ateliers, Media Tower, Prototype Housing Building and Experimental House.
Culture Factory (former machine workshop building) together with Arsenal square represents the basis around which the Prototype Zone is developed, and its development is the very first step of the reconstruction and reactivation of the whole site. In synergy with its immediate surroundings, the Culture Factory is envisioned as the driving force of the urban-architectural regeneration of MTI complex and represents the finest symbol of the industrial landscape.
▲ exploded axonometric view of the culture factory and arsenal square
On a micro level, the proposal emphasizes the connection between the objects of the Culture factory, Arsenal Square, and the Museum “Old Gun Foundery”. Polygon for manifestations and socialization is created by sinking the plateau defined in accordance with the volume of the Culture factory building, as well as by extending the building itself onto the newly designed Arsenal Square. In their shape and materialization, the created amphitheater and facades expand on the authentic architectural language of the Culture factory and Museum “Old Gun Foundery”.
▲ arsenal square now vs. proposed
▲ prototype zone layout : culture factory, museum of old gun foundry and ateliers, media tower, experimental house.
▲ section of the museum of old gun foundry, arsenal square and culture factory